
by • Uploaded: Oct. 24 '09 - Gallerized: Jul. '12


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Description: photography logo of a camera with wings
Status: Client work
Viewed: 12731

Lets Discuss

JF Oct. 26 '09

Oooh, ooh, this is nice! Excellent execution on this. What typeface is that? Custom or other? I have to know. This is exceptionally smooth and whimsical. I love the idea that it could fly out at the viewer at any time. Great work!

muse7 Oct. 26 '09

JF, Thanks for the shinning supportive comments and float. The font is Cocon OT my new fav. Also thanks for the floats All4Leo, pajga, Janzabransky and Matto. I greatly appreciate your support.

logoboom Oct. 31 '09

Ok I think I like this font better. It doesn't fight for attention as much and let's the mark soar (bad pun I know).

durand Jul. 03 '12

Very nice, great colour choice also. Does it seem like the mark is too far right or is it just me?

sachintaneja Oct. 13 '12

somebody on fiverr.com exhibits this logo as his sample work though I am not sure if it\'s you only.

muse7 Dec. 10 '12

Hey sachintaneja,

If you could send me the link or just post it here, that would be great. I have not posted any work to fiverr.com


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