11th Hour Events

by • Uploaded: Mar. 13 '10


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Description: Logo for an Events Planning Company that specializes in corporate events and weddings. The company has a special interest in helping clients with last minute planning needs.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2516

Lets Discuss

logoboom Mar. 15 '10

this is my fave so far for sure. much more elegant layout and typography. still wonder if red could be used to sell the wine glass idea but i understand the client is stuck on green. looking great!

muse7 Mar. 17 '10

Thanks for the feedback David, Matto, logoholik, MikeyMike, Glen, Jerron, Chad and Vld. I appreciate it! much respect. I'll let you know my client's choice.

Type08 Mar. 31 '10

And? Did they chose it? :) Me likes...

muse7 Apr. 01 '10

Type08 - Yes she did! Thanks

JoePrince Apr. 01 '10

Looks great, love the colors!

pierro Apr. 01 '10

Love your work, muse7.

muse7 Apr. 02 '10

Thanks JoePrince - My client and I are very happy with the final logo. I'm glad the colors work because she was set on green :) Pierro - wow - Thank you I appreciate the overall props.


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