Star Scout

by • Uploaded: Apr. 02 '10


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Description: Bright logo for a bright company. StarScout is a scouting company from UK, searching for bright talented people in all areas. Do you like it? Thx.
As seen on: StarScout
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2739

Lets Discuss

myway999 Apr. 02 '10

Thanks for your comment. Lol, true.

Jonnyd Apr. 03 '10

Looks like something out of the 80s... Where you been man?

raja Apr. 03 '10

works really well in context - good job

myway999 Apr. 03 '10

@Jonnyd: lol. depends how you see it.*@raja: thanks.

Jonnyd Apr. 04 '10

Looked at your showcase and sure you can create great logos of all types and styles, but I've got to say this ain't one of your best. Maybe Raja sees something I'm missing? Just being honest man. No offence!

myway999 Apr. 04 '10

@Jonnyd: And that is true. It's 80s. It does not look web 2.0. And many of my logos are not web 2.0, but practically are client's wish. Also i think that this aspect is important. I can create good stuff as you said and this is why i joined this community, to improve and up-to-date my vision.*But you are really right, it's not a great logo, it's just a simple one:) there is no offence at all, thank you for your opinion, mate and wait for more!


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