
by • Uploaded: Jun. 25 '10 - Gallerized: Jun. '10


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Description: sketched car hence the name
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Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6423

Lets Discuss

nitish.b Jun. 25 '10

nice fel...jus a question...the car line art is gray and the curve below it is black...i find it tr a reason for this?

JF Jun. 25 '10

Line art is a great style. Though, in this appears to be referencing an 'electric car' %5Bpower cord coming out of the back%5D or something of that nature. I assume this is just for practice, or for fun, based on the name. Also, 'service' is unreadable, doesn't pass the shrink test. Needs to be larger and not as bold to be readable. Like the styling used for the graphic, regardless.

myway999 Jun. 26 '10

@nitish.b - thanks for that. it's true, my mistake. i will correct that.*@vintage_chic: thanks, i will consider that*@JF: hmm, that does not look like a power cord. the name was found after doing the graphic.*thanks for all the comments and time:p

JF Jun. 26 '10

myway999, so....I'm curious. What's that line around the bottom of the car for? What's its purpose for being there? It's not a shadow, so what is it?

myway999 Jun. 28 '10

it's like the last line of the sketch, something left there to give some perspective or it's like a ramp on which the car is placed and raised to be repaired or painted...or it's there so you can ask questions and seek's subtle, that is all...*it can also be a shadow or a trace of that car..**more color variations here.*thanks for comments, JF:p

hamidos Jun. 28 '10

wow.. nice concept..


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