wip.. info for this is available in the logopond forum... Big thanks to cobaltcow for the name.
('Band Of Logo Designers For Rights Of Generations' )
As seen on:
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
i love this
Replynice nav, I know what that's for, yeah GREAT name.
ReplyI like the style!%0D*I'm new to this, but upon a closer look, is he going cross-eyed?
Reply %3C--- check it..
Replyhaha logotivity, nice
ReplyWow wow wow ! love this Heeeeeeeeaps.
Replydo you have the domain name?* is taken.. possibility .org...?
Replythat would work and might be more appropriate anyhow.*
ReplyThanks guys!**haha.. logotivity!.. that looks awesome!**@maximus... yeah he is slightly cross-eyed.. no particular reason other then i thought it gave him a bit of character!**wow.. is taken?.. is the name bald frog itself being used anywhere???... must check that out.**do we need a website?... maybe... eventually.. hadnt thought about it.
ReplyHmmm, wouldn't want to spoil a momentum, but since it appears that they have tm-ed that name, it might be wise to go back to naming all over again... i would hate to see all the money raised poor in to some lawyers pocket instead of the ones in need... pity...
Replygood point.. hows about *BOLD FROG*?.. *%22Band Of Logo Designers For Rights Of Generations%22*... ?**bold in this instance makes more sense the bald after all?.. (%26 only requires a very minor change!)
Reply... and its available :D**so if everyone's cool with that?...
Replyyes, because it kida sounds like Bull frog too :-)
ReplyNow that was express and even better imho. Bold frog? Now back to drawing board and make it bold! :)
ReplyI can help with domain name (if it stay available for long time lolz) and hosting space (at least for a while, till it brake my dreamhost limits :)
Replyhaha.. i did think that.. but there is something bold about him.. he has the guts to stand up %26 be counted.. even though he might not stand too high!**stretching?
ReplyHmm, i hope someone form here registered it, since it is not available anymore...
Reply@logoholik.. that would be cool.. but i dont want to ask anyone to do more then add the logo on their sites to raise awareness.. you know?.. i cant imagine what we would need a site for although an %22about%22 page somewhere would be cool.. (i did think of asking David for a page on here - logopond - as that way it would bring even more traffic to logopond %26 perhaps a bit attention to our work???)...**but if you can think of a good reason why we should have a site....
Replydunno... i feel that if we gonna do it, let's do it properly... one day it'll need a site perhaps, or at least a dedicated domain name, dunno... since bold frog is actually registered back in 2002 as it seems, where did you get it was available? :)
Replymaybe we can use QuadMachine's naming machine and see what's available? %3B)
Replyjust typed in in my browser.. nothing more then that :s
Replyit was reg. in 02 what about BULDFROG U %3Dunited?
Replyhhmmm could use that breadline.. but bald/bold frog actually meant something!..
Replywas org taken?*
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