Logotype for a proyect about movies and coffeeshop
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Nicely done nomas
Replythanx tass! i checked you artwork is very nice! greetings
ReplyI was instantly attracted to this logo... really nice!
Replythanx SIR! nice illustrations too!!!
ReplyVery good idea and nicely done.
Replywell done, I like the composition.
Replycseven!: thanx, i hope this proyect become true...%0D*%0D*Rincon: thanx for the comment!%0D*%0D*thanx guys
ReplyVery Nice! on a previous comment you asked how you get into the gallery, well I think the person who runs the site chooses the ones he likes. If I'm wrong can someone please let me know.
ReplyYes, really nice%3B%5D
ReplyCan any send me this image in a more better or hd quality please , i need it urgently !
ReplyMail me or whats app 7083651404
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