Red Balloon

by • Uploaded: Sep. 16 '10


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Description: Logotype inspired by DARPA's Red Balloon Project. Comments appreciated!
Status: Student work
Viewed: 2260

Lets Discuss

Rokac Sep. 16 '10

Red ballon! I like it:)

sdijock Sep. 16 '10

I would reverse the balloon colors - it's getting lost. Make the overall balloon white with a red highlight. But you can still give it a red stroke around the outside to separate it from the type a little.

sdijock Sep. 16 '10

Ooops. I guess it wouldn't be a red balloon then if you followed my previous advice. My bad. I still think you should make the balloon stand out a little more somehow though.

nrcreative Sep. 16 '10

Thanks Roko!*@Steve - I will see what I can come up with %3B)

hanuman shakti Apr. 24 '11

@sdijock.....I do agree*But anyway nice work it.*What happen if the background yellow?? it gonna be red balloon or yellow one....:)*(just wondering)......


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