Luthfi Photography

by • Uploaded: Jun. 14 '11


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Description: This logo I created for a photographer live in Bandung, Indonesia. He loves curves and nature. So I decided to pick black curvy stroke and green for the fill. Which it is make this logo more himself.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2183

Lets Discuss

designtofeel Jun. 14 '11

Type is WAY too small. I like the mark but fix the type.

okhy Jun. 15 '11

Thanks, I thought so :D

okhy Jun. 15 '11

How about know??

designtofeel Jun. 15 '11

It's still too small. I think it needs to be about twice that size. I would also move it away from the mark. Maybe it could be lined up with the bottom point and the right point.

okhy Jun. 15 '11

What could I say. The client already take and love it. I think I'll keep that advice for my future work, thanks.


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