
by • Uploaded: Mar. 04 '15


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Description: Fit Control was established in Dominican Republic in August 2004, entering the country at that time classic Power Pilates method that is dedicated to preserving and teaching the traditional Pilates method developed by Joseph Pilates. We aim to strengthen awareness that our customers have the physical and mental wellbeing and how Pilates has helped thousands of people around the world find their balance. Our program is based on work strengthening the center of the body \"Power House\" first, as this is the one that controls all peripherals movements. With this form of teaching, our customers will find the connection to your center and be better prepared to learn, assimilate and progress, to carry it have a different body. This form of classical, systematic and comprehensive education is clearer for the instructor and therefore easier for the customer. In Control Fit Studio we are dedicated diligently pursue what Joseph Pilates said already more than 70 years, \"you will feel better in 10 sessions, look better in 20 sessions and 30 sessions will have a new body.\" We are convinced that Pilates is today, a safe, easy and fun way to keep fit.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 1219
Tags: crosstraining. yoga trx pilates

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