Freelance Works

by • Uploaded: Nov. 20 '07


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Description: This was a group or an Idea Created by me, that Freelance Works really really works couse people like me work on the big agencys doing the same but at a low cost, well i was thinking to create an Asosiation of this to organize the freelancers (Designers and creative) Freelance for Freelance and Works couse it really works or Works couse we do freelance jobs
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1508

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Nov. 20 '07

smartinup does have a point. You might consider reworking this.

trevc Nov. 20 '07

It does indeed look like they're pissing (or worse). Perhaps consider adding a small stream of urine to help clarify things a bit?

nido Nov. 21 '07

this looks like the 'money shot'! lol


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