Beautiful Feet Team

by • Uploaded: Mar. 04 '09


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Description: Created for a local church
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1384

Lets Discuss

Kleetz Mar. 04 '09

Sorry to say, but I don't get %22beautiful%22 at all from this.**Feet are elegant in my opinion (not to be weird) and this doesn't show that to me.**Maybe focus more on the curviness of the foot?? Script font for the word beautiful?

oscuro360 Mar. 04 '09

EXACTLY!!! I did exactly what you said amongst other things, and was told they wanted more %22boldness%22 and less elegance?!?! I do agree that feet ARE elegant, but they (the church) wanted me to focus more on bold type and a cross?!?! Any one of my brainstorming thumbnails is better than this... BUT this is what they wanted. Gave me no creative freedom... BUT it was a nice paycheck!!! HA

oscuro360 Mar. 04 '09

Oh yeah... and they wanted it as simple as can be!!!

Kleetz Mar. 04 '09

I've had clients like that before. Really sucks :(**Atleast the check was good :)


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