North Branch Wesleyan Church

by • Uploaded: Aug. 10 '06


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Description: The ichthus, a symbol used by early Christians, is showcased in a school of fish to represent NBWC’s dependence upon community, their strong base of families, and their focus as a place of learning.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 13331

Lets Discuss

incubusknight May. 24 '07

I've always loved this kind of simple designs. The type... well, not liking it so much. Maybe a verdana, or maybe tahoma would do the trick. But hey! It is still a nice looking one.

Art Machine Sep. 29 '07

I really like it! Like the fish, the colors and typeface is also alright. The only thing I think could be improved is the placing of NORTH BRANCH. It is a little distracting from the fish. And the layout is too heavy on the left. *So if you put the NORTH BRANCH to the right part of the logo you achieve not only a more clear appearance but also more harmony.

hindmarshdesign Aug. 24 '08

There's a Wesleyan Church just down the road from my work (in Australia). I don't know why i felt like writing that...i'd never heard of them before so i guess i was just suprised. :)

ahmed.assal Feb. 26 '09

I like the logo can you please send me your email so we can work together, my email is,,,


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