Wind Energy

by • Uploaded: Sep. 21 '12 - Gallerized: Sep. '12


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Description: Week 26. I don't know if there is a cleaner energy than the energy that is poweed by wind. Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation and uses little land. The terms "wind energy" or "wind power" describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity to power homes, businesses, schools, and the like. Here I used the gradient that usually I don't use in my logo work. I think that with applied gradient this logo pops out a little more. It's interesting fact that this logo falls into my collection of circular logos.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 8598
Tags: energy wind design logo

Lets Discuss

ladygrey Sep. 21 '12

Excellent mark, love the lines & colors!

pausedsn Feb. 26 '13

baluqa - I appreciate your comment.


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