pipirisnais: 'All Pads'

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Edgar Castillo

Pipirisnais is a mexican slang to refer that something is pretty nice, based on this idea we have made a graphic design collective.

We are Xochitl Castaño & Edgar Castillo two mexican designers making stuff that we like.

For some years we have developed several projects independently and professionally, we have worked in different areas of our profession involved with people specialiced in advertising, design, animation, photography and illustration. These experiences led us to create our own brand with the objective of giving people a new alternative to create new things, just by doing what we love.

The engine of our work is the passion we feel for our profession, the creation of new concepts, to be part of amazing projects and to contribute our knowledge to the realization of great ideas. All the above is summarized and defined in our slogan:

Make it pretty, make it nice, make it Pipirisnais.


Expertise Tags
