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Why are CCCP related %22funny%22 ideas funny, and swastika related not funny?
ReplyPerhaps you're the person to change all that. If you can make a swastika 'funny' I'll 1 it. Deal?
ReplySwastika even a while before WWII wasn't funny. CCCP symbols are not funny too.
ReplyI'm still confused as to what you're trying to say here? that I shouldn't parody the CCCP hammer and sickle because it's a serious socialist-political symbol of oppression? or are you failing to see why that makes it ideal for parodying.
ReplyComparing swastika to the hammer %26 sickle is too far fetched.
ReplyComparing swastika to hammer %26 sickle isn't as far-fetched as you might think. Stalin was a much more brutal dictator than Hitler. Stalin killed upwards of 10,000,000 people. Hitler ... less than 1/3 that.
Reply%22Why are CCCP related %22funny%22 ideas funny, and swastika related not funny?%22...**%26 why are the %22stars %26 stripes%22 considered %22positive%22?...
Reply%5E I don't care for that statement at all.
Reply%5Enot even enough to leave a comment?...**%3B)
Replyoohh this has taken an interesting turn. :D
ReplyCCCP is definitely funny. Swastika is funny too if you make it funny. Humor is the best tool to deal with morons and also heal scars. **By the way, original swastika has nothing to do with Hitler - swastika is a sacred Indian symbol and its widely used in Asia, you can see them on ancient temples. **Don't be a moron and be scared by symbols, be scared of evil thoughts and deeds. **And I also agree that if Stars and Stripes could be a matter of pride (even though my fellow white people instigated the genocide of another race in order to colonize America) then we must accept that any other symbol could be a matter of parody or artistic use.
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