Variant [v2]

by • Uploaded: Mar. 31 '10


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Description: Variant could be used for a publishers, writers guild, or a wide variety of pen and nib manufacturers. (The type is a customised mix of Birch and Matrix II OT)
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 2215

Lets Discuss

mcdseven Mar. 31 '10

very nice planting seeds. love the mark but not quite convinced of the logotype.

plantingseeds Mar. 31 '10

Thanks Mcd. What's distracting you about the type?

mcdseven Mar. 31 '10

Just dont find this particular face pleasing to the eye, just a personal thing! I find the the different line weights on the v a little alien to the mark, but hey together the logo is very nice and its just boiling down to my own taste, so ignore what i say!!!! Good work!

eziemac Mar. 31 '10

I like it, man. I think the pen should be made more obvious at first glance though

plantingseeds Apr. 01 '10

@MCD, I completely agree about the line weight being stressed on the type but equal on the mark makes the connection between the two less than ideal, *but* I didn't want to force the equal line-weight onto the type and the mark looks odd with stressed lines. I really appreciate your feedback!**@Eziemac, Thanks dude, the pen-nib might be less obvious on this mark because there's other white-space within the roundel. (which is why I prefer V1)


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