
by • Uploaded: Nov. 26 '13


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Description: ... and now when our baby has turned young and bright, we mark this evolvement by revealing to you its new identity. Here’s presenting the new esbe logo.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 802
Tags: esbe

Lets Discuss

logoboom Nov. 27 '13

Beautiful ligature of the s b how it dips behind in shadow. I would've decreased the length of the b ascender tho to make it a bit more compact. Nice.

logoboom Nov. 27 '13

Oh an the first kearning pair is considerably looser than the 2nd and 3rd.

logoboom Nov. 27 '13

Love the sb ligature and how it dips to shadow behind the ascender. I'd shorten that ascender to make it feel more compact and balanced. The first kearning pair is considerably looser than the 2nd and 3rd. Nice!

logoboom Nov. 27 '13

Sorry about the 3x post


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