Bleutuna Limited Logo Redesign

by • Uploaded: Aug. 22 '07


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Description: The Bleutuna Limited logo has been the same for the last 6 years. The concept of the cubestick has served the company well, but over time, the type treatment and the way color were handled have started to grow stale and a little 'old skool.' This redesign of both typography, cubestick style and orientation, hints at the old mark, but pushes forward into the future with a more modern aesthetic. The orientation change was done primarily to add a sense of 'power' to the logo, as the viewer is now looking up at the towering logo, rather than down. The font is modified Adobe Caslon Pro & DIN Engschrift.
As seen on: Bleutuna Website
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4382

Lets Discuss

marcdasouza Nov. 29 '08

I like it, the background color gradient and multiple colors go well. I see about your orientation too. Cool.


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