Logo for a leadership conference.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
this is brilliant
Reply%5E90%25 of his showcase is brilliant. First time checking it, even tho i know few logos from there.. Impressed with your work, Randy.
ReplyReally great stuff!
Replyterrific work.
Replyloving it!
ReplyYes, great to see more from you.
ReplyNow that's one sweet logo.
ReplyThat's really epic! Fantastic and powerful work.
ReplyThis is very well done! I love how the star has a trail along with the fantastic character on his tiptoes!
Replymaybe if his legs were longer he wouldn't have to stand on tip toes %3DO
ReplyGREAT MARK! woooow. the rest of your stuff is sick too! amazing work! i just see this crazy energy in this logo like the guy is about to spring up and catch the star! not very common in logos that are generally static. great idea!
ReplyYou can almost feel that striving just from looking at this :)
Replygreat! Congrats my friend :)
Replycongrats man ... great, great work here !!!!
ReplyCongratulations! You have a bunch of great logos. This one for example :)
ReplyOh look, someones been busy using your logo design.
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