Arizona Chamber of Commerce

by • Uploaded: Mar. 02 '09 - Gallerized: Mar. '09


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Description: A logo for the Arizona Chamber of Commerce.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 12098

Lets Discuss

Paul Rand Mar. 07 '09

This is good.**The colors are a good choice to depict Arizona and the illustration is fun and not static with the font not being centered.*I can see this being applied on an identity system, t-shirts, mugs, shopping bags, etc.**Nothing to change. Nailed it.

eddeezy Mar. 09 '09

the design is so simple, but i never would of thought of it. beautifully done!

block127 Mar. 09 '09

the colors reflect arizona. really nice.

mhbackpacker Mar. 11 '09

love how the logo communicates the ruggedness of arizona's Chamber by morphing the mountains into buildings.**I would align the right side of the text %22chamber of commerce%22 with the right edge of the logomark above since %22Arizona%22 is left aligned with the logomark. That will provide the proper balance.**Great job!


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