Chaise Logo

by • Uploaded: Mar. 02 '09 - Gallerized: Sep. '11


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Description: A logo for a poolside cafe.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8073

Lets Discuss

penflare Mar. 02 '09

this is very cool, love the %22retro%22 look

gyui Mar. 02 '09

%5Eagreed, great retro look. my only suggestion is maybe match the %22patio%22 font with the angle next to it. hope i made sense.

dannygdammit Sep. 25 '11

very cool! simple, retro, and bonerific. You've got my vote.

nickhood Sep. 25 '11

This is really nice. Love these colors.

aviat- Sep. 26 '11

The way the font on %22chaise's%22 corresponds with the illustration's shapes and feel is definitely a strong point for this design. Good job on the execution.

amdienno Sep. 26 '11

Where did you get this logo? I work for the client that uses this logo

randyheil Sep. 26 '11

amdienno, I created the logo while working for R%26R Partners in Las Vegas. I can't believe the Hilton is still using this logo.

amdienno Sep. 27 '11

Yea they do still use it the cafe is still there I believe But they renamed it to Patio Snacks now


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