Home Loan Solutions

by • Uploaded: Apr. 21 '13


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Description: This was a logo designed for the re-branding of a home loan company based in Orange County, CA. The client wanted to use his existing colors but wanted something more modern.
As seen on: Home Loan Solutions
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2185
Tags: simple modern logo reese

Lets Discuss

ReeZ329 Aug. 02 '13

No critiques? Ha I'm a student trying to learn from the community! How do you become relevant on this site?

Hayes Image Aug. 02 '13

'How do you become relevant on this site?'

By contributing. Uploading a steady flow of work & taking part in discussions, forum posts, etc.

As for your logo, it's fine (it's in use after all). My concern would be how well it scales at super small sizes (if applicable), the house would disappear first, then the tagline.

downwithdesign Aug. 03 '13

My concern is that if you are working with negative space then you have to consider that eye will naturally look at ALL of the negative space and not just the area you want the viewer to focus on. In this case, you have the house at the bottom but since it is included as part of an H, there is naturally a second area also, which to me looks like something about to demolish or crush the house.

I might be reading too much into this but I don't think that sends out the right message for a home loan company, almost as if the new homeowner is being put under pressure.

THEArtistT Aug. 03 '13

agree with all of the above.

ReeZ329 Aug. 06 '13

Wow. Thank you, I wanted to use a chunk-y serif font though so the house would appear natural. Any suggestions? I know its already in use, but I am a student that loves critiques from like-minded people.

Hayes, thanks, I figured that much... I try to upload as much as I can. But im sure you know the feeling when you pour your heart into your work and you get no reaction.

Hayes Image Aug. 06 '13

'But im sure you know the feeling when you pour your heart into your work and you get no reaction.'

Oh yes, definitely :) But you've just got to keep pushing!!!


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