Logo for a company making and selling cupcakes. The green was chosen by my client as this reflects the colours of her cakes.
Client work
Lets Discuss
ReplyYeah, who triggered this one?
Replyis it pond's gallery??
ReplyGreat stuff there!! I just wana eat it now lol
Replyumm... let me think about it.
Replywow good work nice type is it a font
ReplyThe font is called %22Girls are weird%22 but I don't know if this belongs into the gallery... it's not spam though, rgbdesign had posted the work in progress in the forum
ReplyI've seemed to have caused some controversy. This wasn't my aim.*What do you think of the logo anyway?
ReplyI think that cake's about to puke.
ReplyI wouldn't eat that :) no offence, I think style is fittin, but the execution could be better.
ReplyHow do logos make it to the gallery anyway? Are they just chosen by admin?
Reply%5Ethey are selected by the Rothschild family...
Reply%5E lol NIDO!
Replysimon cowell does it between American Idol and X Factor. Loves his negative space so he does.
Replywtf guys lol - it's a pretty legitimate question. %3DP I didn't know if it was random, or if maybe it was chosen by a group of people, or just one person or......*sigh* never mind lol
Reply@lane Chatroulette or something like that? :P
ReplyI'm with tabithakristen how is a logo selected for the gallery? And why must this one be %22spam%22? I feel like it is a great logo, better than several I have seen in the gallery. *Can we get any straight answers around here?
Replythis makes me smile. :)
ReplyThanks Tony :)
ReplyLOL @ Roy!
Replyreally nine others do the selection aswell? thought it was just David on his own.
Reply%5E doh... just seen the (jk) on Tony's reply.
ReplyI like this logo. I think it's well designed for retail application. I don't object to it being in gallery.
Reply@mcdseven: I think he meant the %22goons%22 was a joke, not the 9 other guys. I'm also pretty sure it's not David alone, he mentioned it in the comments some time ago.
ReplyI love the comments
ReplyWell done on this one !%0D*%0D*As for the other negative people, why not spend more time helping others out rather than knocking them down ? %0D*%0D*In fact if you didnt like this one why didnt you say so when they were asking for critiques ?%0D*%0D*Again well done rgbdesign, top stuff.
Replyagree w alenadvertising, the color really not suit with this business
Reply@Dex, @mrizzle1991, @nrcreative, @Mikeymike, @logoboom, @ClimaxDesigns, @inet_s51: Thank you all for your thoughts about this logo. I really appreciate it!**To everyone else, CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is what I was after...not out and out rudeness! I understand some of you think the colour is a bit off, having green to promote a food company, but as I said in my explanation, the sagey, greeny colour was part of the brief as it reflects the colour of her best seller - a Green Tea cup cake. **Besides, don't you think it'll be remembered by more people and stand out against the opposition being *different*? If I used the standard Red, Pinks etc, it would have failed in its job as impactful branding!**My client LOVES it by the way...
Reply%5Eit just comments and what we think of about the colour. :) its not rudeness right?As it is, then i have to apologize for that as in i don't mean any bad thing. By the way, it's great to hear that your client love it. *For my opinion, There are a range of green colour, may be you can try to make a different green colour combination. It might have a suprise outcome.*Calm down ya. :P
Replyme like...could be presented it better in a 325x260 canvas, but overall, i dig it.
Reply@Gary: As I say, I can see where you are coming from re the colour, but it was already in place. I am calm, honest! lol*@nitish.b: Thank you for your comments.
Reply%5Ehaha, glad you are calm, lol. Well, hope to see your new work soon! *@ all, this is a good place for us to learn and improve, peace!
ReplyPhane, you're biting the hand that feeds you (with remarks like that)...Yeah, client's can be difficult at times but they're our meal ticket (at the end of the day) %26 showing hostility towards them won't serve you well in the long run, negative publicity moves faster than positive publicity...**f**k clients!!?...realistically, it's the other way around mate %3B)
ReplyJust to clarify, I didn't ask how logos make it to the gallery because I don't think this deserves to be there. I was just asking because I was curious %3D)**I think this works. It did it's job, got our attention and it's actually very cute. I'm not a huge fan of the color but, the client is happy with it and that's what really matters. :D
Replyregardless of what we think of this logo, it obviously works for the client and his customers, so that a success story IMO, apart from the color I like it, though the type could be a tad heavier to match the strokes of the illustration/cup
ReplyWe all know that everything boils down to what the client wants. I doubt that the client would approve if this logo was tailored to be what every designer here thinks it should be. **I see designers being called out for overusing a font or a style, then in the same instance, being called out for trying to be unique and try something different. It's all just so confusing, especially to new designers.
ReplyOk I'm going to try to be a little more constructive. While I like the loose style of illustration I find this a little flat and lifeless. I understand your reason for the green but I still don't like it. The font looks like a freebie and duplication of most of the characters doesn't help. The font needs to complement the illustration.
ReplyAccept it, guys, we are a mouse cursor which the client can control!
ReplyBy the way, I've just read some forum discussions and found this: %221. Are these logos chosen by one person? —Yes , me.%22, that is, David. I can't find the Nine Apostles (:P) yet.
ReplyThanks, David! :D
Replyironically, when I searched the forum for pot heads, that thread came up**might want to re-think your titles David, LOL*
ReplyThe type is beautiful and what color would you choose to portray a delicious mint or pistachio or green tea cupcake? This green is almost lyrical and perfect for a cupcake that fell under that spectrum. And it looks like a happy cupcake too! I for one really liked the logo :)
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