Happy Turtle

by ru_ferret • Uploaded: May. 20 '13 - Gallerized: May. '13


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Description: online store selling different goods
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10,061
Tags: turtle customised typeface happy

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image May. 21 '13

This made me smile :)

ru_ferret May. 21 '13

You are right, Rait :)
Congrats on being a trendsetter, Josh :)

mackdesignarts May. 27 '13

Where do you people know each other from to get so many floats and views? This work is mediocre at best, not being rude, but seriously this is not very good quality work. I'm just curious how you get so many views and floats and people leaving you remarks on this site in general... no offense, and I don't mean this work in particular but this just blew my mind how you have over 1000 views. Are you all art students? Are you all friends on FB or Dribbble or something? Sorry to sound rude.

RaitG May. 27 '13

mackdesignarts, I think it's simple just perfect work

Hayes Image May. 28 '13

Are you implying bias mackdesignarts, or are you a prodigious talent in danger of persecution?

The reason why floated this particular design is because it's perky, minimal (it could've easily been overdone i.e. detail/texture of the shell), the type is well balanced & its shapes mix with the image well. In other words, my opinion is that is a well executed logo.


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