by ru_ferret • Uploaded: Dec. 05 '09
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cool looking apple, why does it forms a cross?
more lessons of russian %22apelsin%22 - orange (:
oops! i saw apel and instantly thought apple! but why does it form a cross inside de orange?
Nice :D
Nice orange )
The pixel orange is also selected for Logolounge 7 book!
in lithuanian orange is called APELSINAS. kind of similar to russian APELSIN. hehe :) interesting approch, Nikita!
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cool looking apple, why does it forms a cross?
Replymore lessons of russian %22apelsin%22 - orange (:
Replyoops! i saw apel and instantly thought apple! but why does it form a cross inside de orange?
ReplyNice :D
ReplyNice orange )
ReplyThe pixel orange is also selected for Logolounge 7 book!
Replyin lithuanian orange is called APELSINAS. kind of similar to russian APELSIN. hehe :) interesting approch, Nikita!
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