Oh Baby! Magazine

by • Uploaded: Jul. 24 '09


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Description: Here are some samples of Oh Baby! Magazine published by Hestia International distributed by Sears and other baby stores across Canada.
As seen on: ohbabymagazine.com
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1594

Lets Discuss

hitbyreindeer Jul. 24 '09

qued%F3 genial la aplicaci%F3n, igual que el logo mi estimado tocayo, la tipograf%EDa es tuya?

rudy hurtado Jul. 25 '09

Thank you guys very much!**@ hitbyreindeer, si tocayo es mia, gracias por tus palabras, cambiaste tu avatar, veo una r y d, sera eso?

LOGOMOTIVE Jul. 25 '09

Nice Work Rudy, why not upload the just the Logo also.

rudy hurtado Jul. 25 '09

Thanks Mike, actually the logo has been in my showcase for a long time now but I wanted to show its context. I've been working on the magazines for a while and never showed the actual final product.

rudy hurtado Sep. 13 '09

Thank you, thank you, thank you Fabian.


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