Tirolissimo concept

by • Uploaded: Oct. 02 '11


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Description: Concept for the regional advertising awards in Tirol, Austria. I thought this treatment was really appropriate as the Blackletter style type was traditionally used (and is still commonly seen) throughout the region. It also reflected the geometry and heavy industrial feeling of the trophy. The T directly references the Trophy seen here .
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2753
Tags: awards new zealand NZ

Lets Discuss

s7even Oct. 02 '11

You can jump straight to 40sec in the video to get a decent look at the trophy that inspired the logotype.

s7even Oct. 02 '11

Thanks for the floats guys :) *@nobody_niemand I was brought in to create the Identity after the trophy was created by Gregor Unterrainer so I can't take credit for the T1 idea. But yeah the trophy is very cool, based on a nice concept, really nicely crafted from solid brass (it weighs 3kg!).

s7even Oct. 02 '11

Thanks Alexandre :)


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