
by • Uploaded: Jul. 30 '07


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Description: (Just testing the logopond system.) Delivered. Wellness & Spa.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1924

Lets Discuss

kaimere Jul. 30 '07

great font and balance... perfectly serene ...

OcularInk Jul. 30 '07

I agree. Nicely done.

sans Jul. 31 '07

Thanks fellas. The main type is set in Mostra, the sub is set in Futura (but I doubt I needed to tell you that.)**I regret not having tried to tilt the arms of the Y ever so slightly to meet the stems of the A's. I did propose an alternative where the arms and the leg of the R were based on the crossbars of the A's, which I preferred, but no luck. (As seen here:

kaimere Jul. 31 '07

Have to say i prefer this one for the simplicity and call me stupid but the Y seems to resonante more being in the relaxed arms outstretched state


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