An identity developed for a Photographer - which he didn't liked.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
This has to be a joke, right? %22
ReplyHere is mine that I made and posted last year %22
ReplyIs this a joke Patrik?
Replygood thing this logo wasn't chosen. the client would have had an identity that wasn't original at all. no offence to you (satya), but this concept is overused (so many different variations- but same foundation).
Reply@MomentumMagazine- are you being sarcastic?
ReplyI'm just pointing out the recycled use of the concept.
ReplyNo, not sarcastic at all. I was merely siding with you that it is a joke. I couldn't believe it myself.
ReplyI had posted this TH logo long back on Logopond and received so many comments but later I removed it because the client didn't liked it and refused to take it. But this is an original design - I don't copy! Am sure, many of you'd seen this logo in my profile before.**Nexqunyx, The logo on the link you have given seems to be uploaded recently.
Reply@satya- mine was uploaded Sep 2008. The other designer's was yesterday like yours.
ReplyCalm down people. Even a court judge won't rule based on when it was uploaded but when it was created. I just uploaded my designs done 10 years ago. Plus, this was not chosen. Maybe we've learned a lesson or two here. Keep your proof of date of creation if you can - witnesses, sketches, and digital files burned into CD, etc. More serious designers should send the design to themselves through postal service and never open it (to be used in court just in case). Anyways, happy designing!
Replylet's not accuse anyone of plagiarism. I have designed many works of art that have had similar or close similarities with other designer's works, totally by coincidence.
ReplyGreat, everything fine%5E%5E%3B
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