Logo for a Dentist in Evergreen Colorado.
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As nice as this is, it doesn't really represent anything dental, besides - maybe - the minty fresh stigma of ice cold water and pine trees.**Has the client chosen this? If not, I would suggest going back to basics and trying something like, for example, an upside down tooth that resembles the peaks of two mountains, and maybe... you could incorporate the pines on the side to tie the two subjects together... just a thought :)
ReplyWell the company I work for now, is a Dental Marketing company, so when ALL you do is logos for Dentists you want to set the dentists apart from the rest. Also an extracted tooth in a logo isn't flattering, most people are afraid of the dentists anyways, and the percentage of Americans who regularly visit the dentist are dropping. A Dentist needs to creat an atmosphere that is welcoming and comfortable. So in this logo we are trying to represent WHERE he is located.**We try to stay away from cliche dental images as much as possible. I mean seriously how many dental logos have you seen with an extracted tooth, and or a tooth brush?
ReplyShane... a valid point. Say no more.
Replyvery nice.
Reply**Veeeeeeery similar - especially the mountain's shading! :)
ReplyI would go so far as to say the illustrations are exactly the same, except for the color. But they're from the same designer too, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on here. My first assumption would be that the dental practice changed names, but according to the logo description one practice is in Colorado and the other is in Washington state.**I think there's some recycling happening here - hope the clients don't find out.
ReplyDefinitely some recycling happening. Neither logo was chosen by either client, therefore it is NO ONES logo. Both were just one of many concepts that was shown to the dentist.
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