Mundoss (Accepted)

by • Uploaded: Apr. 26 '08


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Description: Blog about the Latin events in the US.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3923

Lets Discuss

gypseemoth Apr. 26 '08

I don't really get it. You could say that this was for a tech company and it could still work.... *Perhaps having a mark to represent communication or (I can't believe I'm saying this since I hate the gratuitous use of globes) some type of world image to represent mundoss - which means 'worlds' more or less.

shaq Apr. 26 '08

It's what the client wanted which is a really sad case for me. Just another abstract mark logo perhaps? I came up with this -%3E that I felt quite good with it before finalizing with the one above.

gypseemoth Apr. 26 '08

I see. It was a neat idea with the chilly and I see that you improved the kerning as well :)*I'm still trying to understand what the green mark represents though.*


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