Vivid Ways

by • Uploaded: Mar. 11 '09


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Description: Logo design for Vivid Ways, a blog based on the topic of personal development and colourful living. The idea behind the logo is the display of the V and W in the form of a ribbon, a symbol of life. With a full spectrum of colour linking straight back to the 'vivid/colourful' keywords of the brand.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 18776

Lets Discuss

frankp Mar. 11 '09

Beautiful even :P

grigoriou Mar. 11 '09

a very happy logo. nice job.

tconrad Mar. 11 '09

cool mark. the two seem to be competing though, i'd scale the type down some and maybe even make it a bit light grey (maybe not depending on how far down you scale it).

andujar Mar. 15 '09

Fresh brand and very nice logo. Nice job.

kaimere Mar. 15 '09

nice logo ... feel the type may be a tad heavy thou ... like it thou

kugelis Aug. 17 '10

exelent, I like vw in the symbol. but there is something with the vividways type


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