Flip Creative

by • Uploaded: Oct. 25 '07 - Gallerized: Apr. '08


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Description: Logo for Flip Creative.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4435

Lets Discuss

ahab Oct. 27 '07

Pretty cool, Stevie. It read well right away for me.

raja Oct. 29 '07

yes - very cool - and I read it right away as well

Matheus Nov. 01 '07

nice, simple, good type... very good job

bpotstra Dec. 17 '07

I would have rather seen the word %22flip%22 be flipped. To me that would make more sense, but maybe not as readable? Either way, a clever solution!

stevietime Dec. 18 '07

I tried having %22FLIP%22 flipped but it looked kind of wierd, and the P turns into a lower case b. I also thought that the concept behind having creative being flipped is a little stronger, and since it's a pretty long word it remains readable. Excellent point, and thanks for the input!

koodoz Apr. 29 '08

At a quick glance I thought the type was Baltic/Russian. Great concept.

tdf Apr. 30 '08

Reads perfectly!

||chasen|| Apr. 30 '08

I am extremely suprised how well this read at first glance. No confusion at all... although maybe this is just preference, but have you tried a different font? I'm not liking the R, but hey that could just be me %3D)

grubedoo Apr. 30 '08

It reads well and is a solid logo. It seems a bit obvious as a solution though.

gypseemoth May. 01 '08

I agree, I've seen this done before many times, but it is legible.

cfig May. 02 '08

grubedoo, exactly what I was thinking. It's not bad, but I'd like to see some other options in a similar direction explored.


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