pretty self explanitory.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Nice mark.
ReplyYea, nice mark. I also agree with Climax.
ReplyThanks for the feedback. I seem to forget about what things will look like when they have to be scaled down. I'll be paying more attention to that in the future. I appreciate the input.
ReplyReally a great mark!
Replyvery nice - excellent use of negative space. I am adding it to my faves!
ReplyYes, very nice indeed.
ReplyGreat mark. Nice use of curvature.
Replyawesome mark. I have spent hours staring at a blank page trying to combine my letters, THD.. and nothing, thus my almost generic logo. You certainly have captured an ideal mark here.
ReplyLov it!
Replyreally nice mark... good comment about the tagline.
ReplyAwesome mark - you should eventually lose the tagline as you've already communicated that you're a designer. KISS it.
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