Hammock Republic

by • Uploaded: Jun. 11 '10


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Description: This one was supposed to be for a company that makes hammocks in Yucatan which is located in Mexico a sunny part of the world and also home of the Mayan culture, that is why I combined a sun with some Mayan details and pottery colors.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2228

Lets Discuss

hitbyreindeer Jun. 11 '10

Se ve bastante artesanal*Nice use of color, I really like it.

theartistt Jun. 11 '10

Love the mark but hating the font. First off it needs kerning badly. But, secondly, I just don't think it is a good match as is with the tribal sun. If you are in love with the font, at least take the excessive addition to the R descender off.

sbj Jun. 12 '10

nice mark.. really hate d font..

pilot4ik Jun. 14 '10

Sorry but got to tell You the same, just get Your tablet and write the name, it will fit better !

oscarstoned Jun. 16 '10

Thanks everyone for your comments!!!!


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