Les fees bleues (The blue fairies) is a french organization that aims to bring cheer to the hospitalized children in intensive care units.
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i like the illustration but i do have some critiques if you wanna hear:**i would rotate the oval to the left a few degrees, maybe 15, it'd be more original**that blue-tone... doesn't really work. I don't know, there are some colors which i reaally don't like. that's one of them.
ReplyIf I rotate it more I'm afraid I'll be sued by samsung (maybe it'll be by walt disney first though). For the blue if you have any better blue to propose I'll be happy to have a look (we definitely need some blue on this one :).**Thanks for your comment!
ReplyWow can anyone say TinkerBell?
ReplyTinkerBell is plumpier (therefore she is not anorexic enough to be on a logo %3B) ! Personally in therm of plump fairies I'd rather go for the Loisel's version (
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