Green Light Promotions

by • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '09


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Description: Conceptual logo design for a promotional agency which, of course, gives you the green light to advance your career.
As seen on: studiomuku
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3978

Lets Discuss

chirp Jul. 22 '09

Is there a reason the green light is glowing where the red light would normally be? Like we're telling you to Go when others say you should Stop?

chirp Jul. 22 '09

...Continued. I think it might be an easier %22get%22 if it's coming out of the bottom light. Otherwise, I like it. That was my only red flag.

studiomuku Jul. 22 '09

Yep, that was kind of the idea - that being where it was red, it will be now be green ... but I see your point, it is a bit confusing. I will look at it in the %22right%22 direction and upload. Thanks for the suggestion!

studiomuku Jul. 22 '09

Ok uploaded new logo after suggestions. Thanks chirp!

idastudios Jul. 22 '09

to tell you the truth i really couldnt tell what it was from the thumbnail. You have too much going on with the green dot in the background. i think one or the other would work.

gyui Jul. 22 '09

%5Ei would have to agree with idastudios. It was hard to discern what the thumbnail was. I think simplifying the highlights would help.

studiomuku Jul. 22 '09

I chose a different mark to help %22simplify%22 the image. The perspective made it hard to discern what the foreground object was The interaction between the background shape color was not good, you were right. What do you think of this more simplified, flattened version?

sdijock Jul. 22 '09

It's just ok. There's nothing really interesting or memorable about it - just a plain old traffic light.

studiomuku Jul. 22 '09

Hmm will take a closer look at the design and rethink the mark. Thanks.

idastudios Jul. 22 '09

Much better improvement


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