Taxi in Rome (v2.0)

by • Uploaded: Oct. 22 '14


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Description: Car rental with driver in Rome Full version:
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2198
Tags: coliseum colosseum Rome rental

Lets Discuss

samdemastrie Oct. 22 '14

The negative space diagonal line in the mark is throwing me off a bit. Even if that's a representation of what exists on the Colosseum, I'd take some artistic liberty and adjust it. The mark is great though, cool concept. Also, I get why you're using a Trajan-esque font, but I'm not sure it's needed here with the presence of the Colosseum. Maybe "Taxi in" could be a serif?

stulgin Oct. 23 '14

Thank you, samdemastrie! Your recommendations for me- Priceless! And how do you like this font part?

downwithdesign Oct. 23 '14

I like the mark but not sure the colour will work. All official licensed taxis in Rome are white not yellow.

stulgin Oct. 24 '14

This is a very important point. Thank you downwithdesign!


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