online store selling laptops and notebooks. wip, proposal.
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bad perspective :)
ReplyHmm i draw some lines and have tried to respect them, anyhow you might be right, the problem is that i have forgotten a dimension and the logo went live to the customer as it is. The reason i haven't edited is that i wanted the laptop to be the closes possible to a L letter and by editing it becomes very 'fat' and the concept kind of fades away. Thank you for your comment.
Replyfain ca mai sunt si romani p-aci :))
Reply:) Mersi frumos desi nu sunt multumit de rezultatul/proiectul la care ai comentat.
ReplyI want to see you reply that, language speaker: Ficou legal a combina%E7%E3o da tipografia com o s%EDmbolo e ,eu pelo menos, gostei da perspectiva porque essas formas mais finas est%E3o sempre instrisecamente ligadas com tecnologia, e essa visao desse lado, mais fino, ajuda a posicionar a marca nesse contexto
ReplyI have translated your answer and i think i must say thank you Eduardo. In my previous answer written in romanian i was thanking marcusese who said that is nice to see romanian people around here, and i was adding that i am not quite satisfied with the final result/project. I think i have better projects than this one, in fact i am sure of that. At this one i like the way the type went out, also the way the symbol went out but i think they are not integrating each other very well. The perspective of the symbol is also a bit off, but i had some problems in showing the object and still keeping the letter form. **This is a closed project, so i did not looked for another idea, it seemed good for me at that time, and i still think it will do it's job and i am also sure it can and it will be improved at a moment.
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