Fare Share 3

by • Uploaded: Nov. 04 '09


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Description: WIP Done at Limelight Advertising & Design
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 4451

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Nov. 04 '09

With the name Fare, I would expect the bread to be equally distributed. %3B-)

Type08 Nov. 04 '09

I like this one the most, but agree with Kevin. One more reason is that I know few peeps that work for charities and the basic rule is that there is %22no difference in needs%22, even if someone seems to need more at some point, they always treat people the same...

tdf Nov. 04 '09

In this context 'Fare' refers to food%3B diet: hearty fare.*But I suppose it's a play on 'fair share' so your point is a good one. *If it makes it to the next round, I'll even out the halves!**Thanks, guys!

OcularInk Nov. 04 '09

The play on words was what I was referring to. I'm glad you caught that. Take it easy, Luke.


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