Tea Party

by • Uploaded: Mar. 30 '10


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Description: First attempt at Tea party logo
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 1858

Lets Discuss

nitish.b Mar. 30 '10

man this will be a crazy tea party...:d

sbj Mar. 31 '10

it seems like all party goers looks like this after party...*or is there sumthing hidden... want to know..

theartistt Mar. 31 '10

An iconic Native American Indian symbol for a tea party? Horrifying thought.

toeburn Mar. 31 '10

The client requested %22Americana%22 and %22heritage%22.**You can read more about it here: http://www.thoburnillustrations.com/2010/03/03/branding-the-tea-party/

Chad Sanderson Mar. 31 '10

@theartistt- The Tea Party is not a literal tea party, for goodness sakes. It's a political branch.

Mikeymike Mar. 31 '10

really like the mark. nice illy.

theartistt Apr. 10 '10

Chad, um, duh. Is it a Native American Indian political branch/movement? I believe NDNs are on the other side of that political line altogether. Native American Indian symbols are not Americana (okay, maybe the cigar store smoking Indian... shudder) and they are only Heritage to other Native Americans. Actually, if those are the two things they mentioned, you've missed the mark completely. Look up Americana and American Heritage in graphic design.


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