Favorite sushi restaurant
Just for fun
full moon
naked sumo
Lets Discuss
Thanks, Tomas!
ReplyApologies Werthless, I unintentionally reported you as spam (not sure how I hit the button or how to undo). To your point, he isn't quite naked as he's wearing a mawashi(belt) and if he wasn't wearing a belt he might simply be a squatting heavyset guy. We wouldn't want that, would we? :) Thanks for the great comment.
ReplyAgree with Chameleon design - great here
ReplyWOW! Firstly when your creating a logo do you think how it will work on signage or Storefront? Secondly Not sure I would want to eat here. Logo design is more than just an idea. It is how it will be used throughout all media. I find this hard to iamgine working. Sorry but My opinion.
ReplyNext time your driving down the road. Take a Good look at restaurants and stores Logos. Just some friendly advice.
ReplyThanks, LadyGrey!
ReplyI agree, Mike, and thank you for your great input! This project was jovial in nature and made to elicit that type of response. Who WOULD eat at a sushi restaurant where a posterior was actually part of a restaurant logo? Well, being adventurous I just might eat there...once. The signage would work wonderfully by the way. The text would be seen above the storefront and the giant naked 3D icon would live on top of the freestanding restaurant. There would always be a full moon out.
ReplyThat's a Good attitude Torrey. I bet it would attract a LOT of attention.:)LOl @ Full MOON
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