Westerville Landscaping 2

by • Uploaded: Sep. 08 '09


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Description: Concept logo for my friend's small business
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1702

Lets Discuss

logoboom Sep. 08 '09

The trees kinda make a W which is cool. But the tiny little trapped neg space bugs me as does the color break on the i dot. Nice.

trickyninja Sep. 08 '09

Thanks for the input boom. I liked the mark and was trying to get the feel of a W with the trees so I'm glad someone noticed that. I agree about the negative space but I wasn't sure what to do with it... Any suggestions? I changed the color of the dot on the i in hopes of tying the colors together, it looked a little off when it was the dark green. I am kind of stuck because the company name is so long.


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