Astrolabus Fortuna

by • Uploaded: Mar. 08 '09


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Description: Logo and brand name design for wealth forum in south east asia. Astrolabus taken from prural greek language for astrolabe (medivial sextant) which define astrolabus fortuna as 'devices to take fortune star'. The symbol is representation of a rete, core of astrolabe device.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3884

Lets Discuss

theartistt Mar. 08 '09

the sextant is beautiful, but the text is weak in style and color. I think you should go with a simple san serif font in black so the sextant is emphasized instead of competing with the font (bad font!).

uwie Mar. 08 '09

thanks. i like the font to be simple too, but i having trouble to find one since the client want it to be feel classics.%0D*any suggestion?

theartistt Mar. 08 '09

do some research on ancient greek fonts. you'll find your answer there.

uwie Mar. 08 '09

%3Cdiv class%3D%22detail_right%22%3E%3Cp%3Ei will. thx....%3C/p%3E%3C/div%3E

Paul Rand Mar. 08 '09

I agree with theartistt.**the mark is magnificent. the font does not match, it's too stylized.*use something simple and clean.

uwie Mar. 09 '09

%3Cdiv class%3D%22detail_right%22%3E%3Cp%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3E%3Cstrong%3Ethanks%3C/strong%3E. i'm gonna discuss it with the client soon%3C/p%3E%3C/div%3E

sergiou Mar. 14 '09

Wow. Nice astrolabius. I'm just developing one, totally different. Hope i'll get a result as yours. I agree about the font. The icon is enough stylized so the font can be more simple.


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