Handmade jewelry logo - Geode

by • Uploaded: Apr. 17 '13 - Gallerized: Apr. '13


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Description: Brand identity creation for a small handmade jewelry company. Main ideas to reflect: handmade, genuine, natural, fancy, friendly etc. The work is in progress. We strongly disagreed with my client about the chosen concept, so we need a third opinion )) www.vfolio.ca
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 22681
Tags: logo geode jewelry natural

Lets Discuss

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

Hey, thanks a lot guys!

That's one of the first things my client was looking for - authenticity.
But his first reaction was quite negative to all the proposed concepts...

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

Any ideas what could be wrong or which elements need a refinement?

ClimaxDesigns Apr. 17 '13

that o looks kinda like a c in comparison to the g

logomotive Apr. 17 '13

what is the chosen concept?

cnasshan Apr. 17 '13

What was his feedback, and where are the other concepts?

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

@logomotive Chosen after unpleasant discussions.

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

First client's reaction was:
None of 3 proposed concepts. Could you make another one?
That's why I'm asking for opinions

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

As I told him that an extra concept costs extra money )) and he chose this one.
Normally all my clients are satisfied with the results...
So the question is not which one from 3 is better, but is this one good or I don't understand something...

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

And if NOT, what exactly could be wrong?

Nitish Apr. 17 '13

Fresh colours & formation of the mark. I think the structure of the logo looks a lil all over the place. I will make Handmade jewellery in one line to reduce the verticality of the logo and change the type to a hand-written font. The mark and type, both have a strong presence, maybe reduce the hight of GEODE to have a better unit...:) All the best

logomotive Apr. 17 '13

^ I tend to agree, I think overall there is way too much going on here. Simplify!

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

Thanks a lot, Nitish!
I'll try to work a bit the composition and I think I should rewrite the letters too

vfolio Apr. 17 '13

For sure, logomotive! Thanks!

mariagroenlund Apr. 19 '13

This has a charming feel :) Very nice typo! Hope to see an update

vfolio Apr. 23 '13

After many variations I decided to keep the vertical composition. I rewrote the name, trying to keep the handmade feeling but in a more elegant way, I hope ))
What do you think?

hanuman shakti Apr. 26 '13

very interesting...,great!

vfolio Apr. 28 '13

Thank you, Hanuman!

Ne Po Jun. 08 '13

Love this feel :)

skoto Feb. 11 '14

Rly wow! Great typo man!


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