Logo for an fishing competition. Not chosen...
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
Feels quite biblical.
ReplyI love this, and I'm not really getting a biblical feel. Great job. Can't wait to see some kind of text.
Replylooks like old philips logo
ReplyI really like this one but IMHO the fortress in the background looks too big.
ReplyThanks guys!%0D*@ **logoboom** this time, I don't get it...%0D*@ **prometheus** not to me.%0D*@ **Rokac** I know what you mean Roko... I just needed more space to put this three guys inside :) I'll try to find some solution. Tnx.
ReplyI think that this is very nice mark, Vladimir! Maybe a winner of all the versions...
ReplyThanks Alen. I tried to offer some different style and different approach on each proposal, because... I know that they don't know what they want :)%0D*And, I'm doing this for folks in my homeland (zavicaj, jelte... verovatno ce se sve zavrsiti kao pro-bono work ali never mind).
ReplySay no more mate, say no more (nazalost i sam sam bio dio mase takvih projekata, cesto je spomenuta neodlucnost ustvari alibi za rezanje budzeta, ali sto se moze, nekad stvari ili prihvatimo takve kakve jesu ili se od istih maknemo, trece opcije nema)... I'm sure that you'll nail this one as usual, your client really got a few nice options to chose from here...
ReplyLove this.
Replythis is my fav of the bunch, really well executed
ReplyThank you **chrip** and **birofunk**!%0D*@ **Type08** Ma, bice ovo OK. Sa budzetom ili bez njega, sasvim svejedno. U stvari, bash sam se dobro zabavio radeci na ovome, steta sto ne mogu dva meseca da crtam ribice iz zezanja. Tnx for your support %3B)
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