God 1

by • Uploaded: Jul. 15 '09


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Description: I'm would appreciate any feedback. (This is for a contest.)
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 781

Lets Discuss

walker1 Jul. 15 '09

Oh…%A0I meant God (version 1). Thanks!

ko Jul. 16 '09

I like it, if it wasn't in a cross, i would think it read cod, but since it is, your minde goes %22god%22.

walker1 Jul. 16 '09

Thanks ko! I'll work on the %22G%22.

jerome_c Jul. 16 '09

I wouldn't change the %22G%22, simply because of its use with the cross...better sense leads the audience to read %22God%22. Also, the %22G%22 doesn't read as a %22C%22 to me because of how you shaped it with a square edge of its bottom left corner. If the bottom left corner of the %22G%22 were angled off as well, as with the top left corner of the %22G%22 then I would support the %22COD%22 argument. Plus, the symmetry you have going works great. But if you can change the %22G%22 and pull it off, then great.

walker1 Jul. 16 '09

Thank you jerome!

alldesign Jul. 17 '09

I see %22GOD%22 first, then, I also see %22COD%22....the cross helps. Don't know if you'd want to put a serif there or not%3B cross being there may just work in your favor. Good concept!

epsilon Jul. 17 '09

This looks overly modern or edgy to me. Almost like it'd be a good logo for %22Dolph Lundgren%22:http://www.bestweekever.tv/bwe/images/2008/07/JOHNNY%2520M%2520331.JPG character from Johnny Mnemonic :)


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