
by • Uploaded: Aug. 13 '08


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Description: Black Steel Corp operates mostly as a holdings corporation for our business activities. Client required an "evil" logo!
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1742

Lets Discuss

sdijock Aug. 14 '08

Kind of cool. Not sure if the logo conveys %22evil%22 so much as %22biker%22 (the type) or %22brick oven pizza%22 (the mark).**Regardless, you definitely need to kill the boiler-plate background. A logo should be able to stand on it's own.

webcore Aug. 22 '08

Thanks for your comments. I agree with the background. It's now updated applied to plain.**The mark is meant to depict a portal to hell.

Najlepiej Aug. 22 '08

Type is pure evil:P


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