webelious: 'All Pads'

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Jay Cameron

An Eager Student of PSD to CSS/HTML Web Design Techniques & Javascript/jQuery. Keen Social Media user & Student of Social Media API's & Marketing.
I'm Project Manager & GFX Web Elements Designer for the Code Collective Initiative [CodeCollective.org] (@CollabDevs) and also Recruiting Manager from Students to New Freelancers needing a start on their Portfolio to established Freelancers/Firms looking to work with like-minded people of exciting Projects!

Am a keen Blogger and Collector of Open Source Web Elements, Code Snippets & Scripts for use in the @CollabDevs Projects, which uses as much Open Source as possible, and gives back to the Open Source Community from each project as possible.

Currently studying Wordpress Theme Design & Coding, Widget Development and Browser Add-On development.

I love & collect Movies, blog about releases and also have an online business selling DVD's as a personal side project that pays my rent.

Always keen to learn, always looking for VIDEO TUTORIALS, Step-by-Step Tutorials with Source Files, and recruiting for the recently formed @CollabDevs Group are my current hobbies & interests at the moment.

The @CollabDevs Initiative was created and thought up by a couple of members of the Invite only Forrst Community and has been my main and current use of spare time since it's beginning with 2 active projects currently under way and looking for new talent as of APRIL 2013 to help with developing a home website for the Project and Private discussion area/system for Members, Helpers, Supporters and Sponsors.


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