
by • Uploaded: Oct. 22 '09


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Description: Logo for an annual breast cancer fundraiser held in Toronto for the past 8 years and Vancouver for the last 3 years. Proceeds benefit The Weekend to End Breast Cancer and Keep A Breast.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 13630

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Oct. 22 '09

This looks almost identical to the Bubblicious font. I don't think you'll be able to get away with using it.

megashred13 Oct. 22 '09

i think the similarities were intentional...i've seen this kind of thing done before and in this case doesn't look like the customer stands to profit from using it and it is for a good cause so i would say you're probably allright...maybe im wrong...if it was for the branding of a company, thats where you'd probably run into some trouble

Thrasher317 Oct. 22 '09

%5EI agree. Looks intentional. Pretty simple actually. Find the Bubbalicious vector logo, remove the %22u%22, copy the %22o%22 and you're all set.

wiking Oct. 22 '09

Thanks for the input guys. You guessed correctly, the similarities of this logo to the Bubbalicious logo are intentional. The idea was to have the %22b%22 and the %22a%22 meet together to form...well...boobs :)

megashred13 Oct. 22 '09

ha i did get a good laugh when i saw this mark....looks good...

logoboom Oct. 30 '09

You would need Bubblicious approval I'm afraid even though it's for a non-profit.

Underkelly Jan. 29 '22

is this font still available? if so where can i find it? can anyone help please? thanks!

wiking Jan. 31 '22

Underkelly, the font in this logo was hand drawn. Sorry.


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